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started in 1999 with Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Sri. K Pattabhi Jois. Years later and with great luck, I followed the teaching of master and mentor Maty Ezraty. Maty encouraged me to approach daily practice from the subtle body rather than around light or superficial notions of anatomy. A teaching that has profoundly influenced my daily practice, on and off the mat. Until the recent death of Maty, I continued to study with her and to be framed by her benevolence and her expertise. On Maty's recommendation, I went to Italy in 2015 to study with Dona Holleman. Dona's method is called “centered yoga”. His teachings have inspired me to new untapped paths of growth. I have great gratitude and respect for Dona's teachings.

The practice I offer you reflects these three influences, the classes are open to anyone who is ready for an in-depth exploration. I've been known to demand more from my students. I invite them to be truly curious, to let go of all pretense and to adopt the mindset of 'inner exploration'. I see yoga as a healing art and a spiritual discipline: “You don't learn to be intuitive, you already are”. Yoga allows us to keep in mind that we are constantly under construction. There is endless room for learning and creativity. This practice is meant to provoke and inspire bigger questions that eventually can trigger our own awakening…the truth is this: it is never complete, it is never finished, it is continually refining.

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